Redesigning an e-commerce platform for Life Essenz (Case Study Is In Progress)

As a UX Designer, I was responsible for merging e-commerce and non-profit platforms, ensuring the design not only aligned with the brand’s identity but also resonated with the target audience. I focused on creating strong calls to action to drive product purchases and affiliate sign-ups, while also highlighting the mission and emphasizing quality to build trust with both customers and affiliates.

What is Life Essenz?

Life Essenz is a brand that sells essential oils and fragrances and supports affiliate marketing programs for low-socioeconomic students to help them save money for their education.


Life Essenz

My Role

UX Designer

Tools Used

Figma, FigJam, Slack, Chat GPT, Zoom, Google workspace

My Responsibilities

  • Content Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • User Interviews
  • Usability Testing
  • Cross-functional collaboration

Our Team

UX Design Team of 5


June 2024 - August 2024

Problem Statement

Users need an intuitive and easy-to-use platform that empowers them to sell items and earn commissions, ultimately helping them save money.


The client seeks to combine the strengths of e-commerce and non-profit platforms to create a unique solution for students looking to achieve financial savings."


Main Goals

  • Clearly communicate the benefits and details of the affiliate program to drive product purchases and affiliate sign-ups;
  • Ensure the design aligns with the brand's identity and appeals to the target audience;
  • Migrate the e-commerce website from WordPress to the Shopify platform.

Heuristic evaluation

To make more informed choices that align with user needs and expectations, I decided to conduct a heuristic evaluation of the existing e-commerce website.


I documented all usability issues and their resolutions using Jakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. Based on these 10 usability heuristics we divided all issues by severity into Critical, Moderate, and Cosmetic. This helped me understand common pitfalls and areas for improvement.

Shopify vs. WebFlow

During the heuristic evaluation, I understood that the existing website currently built on WordPress needed to be migrated to the platform with more functionality for the e-commerce website to make it more efficient and scalable in the future.


I considered several platforms and ended up choosing between Shopify and WebFlow. Each platform had its strengths, so the best choice depended on the client's needs, including the scale of the business, the budget, and the level of customization the client required.


I did a competitive analysis and analyzed key features: functionality, responsive design, pricing, SEO and marketing and payment options.

Who is our user?

The users of an e-commerce platform that helps students earn and save money can be diverse, but they generally share some common characteristics. Here’s a breakdown of potential user profiles:

The student user persona represents a young, budget-conscious, and environmentally-aware person seeking extra income through an easy-to-use platform that aligns with their busy lifestyle and financial goals. 

A parent user persona represents a mindful parent who values education, safety, and sustainability. They support their children’s use of the platform as a way to teach them important life skills, such as financial responsibility and independence. 

A customer user persona represents a wellness-conscious, community-minded consumer who values high-quality, natural products and are looking for an e-commerce experience that aligns with their values of health and sustainability, offering them not only excellent products but also opportunities to make a positive impact.

What about ideation?

Another step in designing a new website was creating a mood board for our client's e-commerce store that sells essential oils, diffusers, candles, and fragrances to visually communicate the intended aesthetic, tone, and overall feel of the site. 


I created two different versions of the mood boards, one for the e-store and another one for the affiliate program. They served as a visual reference that aligns the design team, stakeholders, and clients on the creative direction before the actual design work begins.


The main words I used to describe Life Essenz brand were relaxing, sustainable, natural, and artisanal. I used neutral and earthy tones to create calm and natural aestetics.


On the other hand, we had a Life Beautified non-profit organization that should empower students to earn and save. Power words I used to inspire copy creation are empowering, rewarding, reliable, supportive.

User Flow

To create a seamless, user-centered design that enhances the shopping experience, improves conversion rates, and meets both user needs and business objectives, we created a user flow showing customers' flow from landing on the Life Essenz homepage to completing a purchase.

Information Architecture & Sitemap

One of the most fundamental steps in developing the MVP was creating the sitemap that ensures the site is well-organized and optimized for users. It improved communication and coordination with stakeholders and inside our team, ensuring that everyone was aligned on the website’s structure and goals.


Creating a sitemap allowed me to see the entire structure of the website and ensure that important pages had not been overlooked and there was a logical flow to the user journey.


After creating the structure of the website, I started working on wireframes of the Home and About Us pages.

Enhancing User Onboarding Experience


Creating Information Architecture for the Mentorship Platform


Let's Connect


(346) 971-2781